Die Deportation nach Gurs

Filmaufnahmen aus Bruchsal vom 22. Oktober 1940

The film with the  deportation of Jewish people from Bruchsal and the district of Bruchsal to Gurs

On 22 October 1940, more than 6500 Jews from Baden and the Saarpfalz were deported to the French Gurs internment camp as part of the so-called "Wagner-Bürckel-Aktion", including 122 Jewish citizens from the Bruchsal district. Almost two thirds of them were older than 50 years, many of them aged between 70 and 82 years, but also seven children aged between eight and 15 years were deported. Due to the poor supply situation, the catastrophic hygienic conditions, rain and cold, many deportees died soon after their arrival in Gurs. Most of the deportees were later displaced to Auschwitz and murdered there.


In addition to the recordings from Bruchsal 1940, films on deportations from Stuttgart, Warsaw, Hildesheim, Dresden and Prague can be found for the period between 1941 and 1942. These recordings were not shown publicly and apparently had the function of preserving the events for a later date, possibly for the Nazi official "memory" of the expulsion and murder of Jews after an expected victory in World War II. The diary entry by Joseph Goebbels on 27 April 1942, which has so far mostly been viewed in the context of propaganda recordings in the Warsaw Ghetto, could support this thesis. On this day, the Minister of Propaganda noted that after Himmler had begun the deportation of the German Jews, film footage of these events was to be made which "we urgently need for the later education of our people".